
Sandra Gordon brings the hard-won experience gained from living with multiple food allergies to her kitchen.  Diagnosed in 2003 with a fairly long list of significant food allergies, Sandra had to make major changes in her diet and cooking habits.  In the interest of absolute honesty, it must be said that she did a perfectly awful job of this for some time.

After watching her overall health suffer due to her wildly imbalanced, limited diet, Sandra finally got wise (or at least, less foolish) and set out to find a better way of handling her allergies.  When her husband was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in 2005, she was given even greater incentive to create meals that were simple, enjoyable and appropriate for varied dietary needs.  She does her level best to approach the additional challenge of finding meals her naturally vegetarian and definitely picky son will eat as an entertaining diversion.  She trusts that anyone who has ever cooked dinner for more than two people, particularly if one or more children are involved, will understand her 'amusement'. 


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